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Friday, October 30, 2015

Blessed by you...

Jehovah, you have blessed me with the greatest knowledge of life your truth from the Bible, Inspired words by you... I wouldnt truly want to be no other place, though I dont have wealth in money I have wealth in wisdom and that's because of you. As I learn I became wiser in the best way as I learn to follow our lord and your Son Jesus Christ foot steps I feel peace in my heart... I want to thank you My dear dear heavenly Father for I'am grateful Im not stuck in the world not knowing...I want to share with my fellow friends and family. There is no other greater peace than with Jehovah. He offers you life ever lasting he helps you to find peace love unity brother and sisterhood honesty endurance most of all Love, because that's who he is. Jehovah is the grand almighty creator of life, he gave us life through his only begotten son and we have a opportunity to live forever in paradise here on live in peace and beauty in a grand new earth with no pain or suffering no more sickness death... You can start that journey through a bible study with one of jehovahs people... You can inquire on for that among viewing many other things. Is your life worth this wonderful gift that Jehovah has put before you... Mine is and I'm studying to i'm on my way down that narrow path. My favorite scripture is Isa. 41:10. Do not be afraid for I'am with you, do not be anxious, for I'am your God. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you. I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. He is there waiting for you... I hope all of you have a blessed day.. With love 


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